6:36 AM
Cancer cells are melted for 48 hours with dandelion tea!

72-year-old John Di Carlo experienced remission of the disease after 4 months of treatment with dandelion.

This plant we can meet all around us. It has too many medicinal properties and all you need to do is to collect from the yard or nearby locality.

Tea dandelion acts on cancer cells in such a way that they decompose in 48 hours.

Our grandmothers they made the syrups from dandelion flowers, because they knew his rescue force, but surely not even suspected that the root of the dandelion could help cancer patients.

Scientists have discovered that the root of the dandelion does “better” than chemotherapy since “kills” completely only a cells that are infected with cancer. In addition, it has diuretic properties and stimulates the secretion of bile, the liver clean helps in allergies and reduces cholesterol. It contains many essential vitamins and minerals such as vitamin B6, thiamine, riboflavin, vitamin C, iron, calcium, potassium, folic acid, and magnesium.

Contains up to 535% of the required dose of vitamin K and about 110% of the recommended daily dose of vitamin A. These are all facts known for years.

University of Windsor in Canada make an initial study at the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry and the results gave new hope to cancer patients. It was found that the root of dandelion effectively “kills” the cells infected with cancer without adverse effects on other cells in the body, writes Natural News.

John Di Carlo, 72-year-old man who was personally confident in the healing properties of dandelion has been subjected to intense and “aggressive” chemotherapy to fight for their health. The process of treatment was three years before doctors to send him home to spend the last days with their relatives.

Due to the fact that there was no effect of chemotherapy and doctors do not offer an alternative for the treatment of cancer, John began to drink tea from the root of the dandelion as a last attempt to escape. After only a four months, according to the website Natural News, the man experienced remission of the disease.

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