is widely used in the treatment of many diseases due to its powerful
healing properties. Recently, it has been proved that ginger can even
cure cancer.
is commonly known that turmeric is very efficient in destroying cancer
cells. However, the latest research has found that ginger is almost
equally effective. Furthermore, ginger is even more powerful in killing
cancer cells than certain cytostatic drugs.
The Power Of Ginger
The Georgia State University conducted a study in which they found that
whole ginger extract reduced the size of prostate cancer in mice by 56%.
Additionally, ginger significantly reduced inflammation and provided
the mice with antioxidants.
Ginger contains an active compound known as 6-shogaol which is more
effective than conventional cancer medications and chemotherapy since it
directly attacks the breast cancer stem cells, according to a study
published in PLoS.
These cells are also known as “mother cells” and they are the cause of a
number of cancers. The stem cells create the different “daughter cells”
which further develop into a tumor colony. Moreover, cancer stem cells
make up only 0.2 to 1% of the tumor cell, but the problem is that they
are almost indestructible.
Namely, these cancer cells have the ability to regenerate and are
capable of continuous differentiation. Additionally, they can split off
and form new tumor colonies which are resistant to conventional
chemotherapy. The only way cancer can be cured is by destroying the stem
6-shogaol was proved to be very effective in killing the stem cancer
cells. This active compound is formed when the root is dried or cooked.
6-shogaol is more powerful than chemotherapy. Also, it has selective
cytotoxicity, which means that it only attacks the malignant cells, and
protects the healthy ones.
Moreover, it can destroy breast cancer cells as well through the
induction of autophagy. Also, it prevents the formation of breast cancer
lumps (spheroids).
The study examined the effects of the cancer medication called taxol and
it found that this drug is less effective in destroying cancer stem
cells than 6-shogaol. Even with increased concentration of taxol,
6-shogaol was 10.000 times more powerful in killing cancer stem cells,
preventing tumor growth, and keeping healthy cells intact.
Source :clearmindz
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