7:33 AM
Caleb Howard was left with a serious brain injury and broken bones when he became a victim of a car accident. That happened when he was 6 years of age and his heartbroken parents were not sure of the situation that was awaiting them. They never knew whether their son will make it or not since recognizing the progress Caleb was making was so difficult.

It was advised that a dog be found to be Caleb’s therapy animal and soon one by the name Colonel stepped in. His parents couldn’t resist the idea since all they wanted was a solution to be found. Colonel and Caleb’s journey has been covered in the clip below. It was after the two were brought together that Caleb showed a lot of improvement and the two had a great relationship.

Caleb became more active, more mobile and could control his hands – something he was not capable of before Colonel arrived. He has also been able to find the joy and excitement which he had missed for a long time. By watching the clip, you will come to discover the power that therapy animals have in our lives.

This video was uploaded on YouTube back in 2009 and it reveals the amazing healing properties that dogs have.

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