7:53 AM
Perhaps you like the simple exercise, but believe it or not, the exercise “Plank” will melt the excess fat from the stomach and will strengthen the depth and external muscles of the back, trunk muscles, buttocks, arms and legs.
The whole exercise is working on the way that has a holding in the top position of push-ups.The muscles work in a similar manner as in the push-ups – not radiate, neither cut, but deeply strengthened and become more resilient.

It is very important the correct position for performing the exercise. When you lift  the elbows and will rely on its toes, the important thing is the upper body to be a flat line.

The weight should classify on elbows and legs which will make tense muscles on the buttocks to get extra balance. Once you mastered the proper position, remains for you only to beat themselves in the challenge that lasts 30 days. Start with 20 seconds on the first day and in the following days steadily Increase.
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