Jean Shin Jyutsy is an ancient form of
Japanese art of healing that helps to balance the emotions due to the
stimulation of specific points on the hands.
those who have not heard about Jean Shin Jyutsu, an ancient Japanese
mastery and philosophy, it is time to update them. In fact it is a part
of alternative medicine, which is based on the fingers of the hands, and
its task is through the important points on fingers to balance the
energy of the body which is important for the physical and emotional
health of the body.
The basis of this study lies on the following principle: each finger of
the hand is associated with a certain organ that is also associated to a
certain emotion
If you need to act on a certain organ, hold your finger with the other
hand and press it with the whole hand and thus hold for three to five
minutes. During that time, you should breathe deeply. Also, in this way
you can also achieve general harmonization of your body, if you massage
each finger of the hand. For a whole body exercise, practice with each
finger individually, and hold about three minutes on each.
Here are the organs of the body associated with your fingers:
Organs: stomach and spleen.
Emotions: anxiety, depression and anxiety.
Physical symptoms: abdominal pain, skin problems, headaches, nervousness.
Index finger (Forefinger):
Organs: kidneys and bladder.
Emotions: disappointment, fear and confusion.
Physical symptoms: muscle aches, backache, toothache, problems with the digestive system.
Middle finger:
Organs: liver and gall-bag.
Emotions: indecision, anger, irritability.
Physical symptoms: problems with blood circulation, menstrual pain, vision problems, fatigue, frontal headache, migraine.
Ring finger:
Organs: lungs and colon.
Emotions: negativity, sadness, fear of rejection, grief.
Physical symptoms: ringing in the ears, respiratory problems, asthma, skin diseases, problems with digestion.
Small finger:
Organs: heart and small intestine.
Emotions: care, anxiety, nervousness, lack of self-esteem.
Physical symptoms: heart disease, sore throat, stomach bloating, problems with bones
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