9:12 PM
When President Barack Obama visited South Carolina on March 6, it was par for the course for Gov. Nikki Haley to greet him at the Columbia airport. So what if they’re polar opposites politically, right? That’s what governors do. And Haley even posted a photo of their quick handshake on her Facebook page. See?

(images snipped from Facebook) 
 (Images snipped from Facebook)

But apparently the gov hasn’t minded that page since originally posting the picture on Friday afternoon, because the horrid, ugly, juvenile, and even openly racist comments to that post have yet to cease. (Almost 3,000! And Haley has yet to have them removed, too.)
Of course, there’ve been many counter-comments, which show the positive and purple direction this red state is moving in, but still … how low can some rightwingers go? See for yourself in this “Best of the Worst” compilation.

It wouldn’t be South Carolina if the comments didn’t include a religious theme.

(Images snipped from Facebook)
(Images snipped from Facebook)

Wouldn’t Secret Service want to look into these people issuing threatening statements?

(images snipped from Facebook)
(images snipped from Facebook)

There’s been no Death to the Birther Movement, apparently.

(images snipped from Facebook)
(images snipped from Facebook)

Of course, racism runs rampant on that thread.

(images snipped from Facebook)
(images snipped from Facebook)

Add in some “I’m not racist, but …”

(images snipped from Facebook)
(images snipped from Facebook)

There are even some racist replies to other commenters.

(images snipped from Facebook)
(images snipped from Facebook)

And, of course, “some of my best friends are negroes” (or “half breeds,” in this case).

(images snipped from Facebook)
(images snipped from Facebook)

Is it any wonder this was Obama’s first visit to South Carolina in seven years?
