7:13 AM

                         100 Ways to Develop Your Mind

1. Do the Thing You Fear the Most. If there’s one thing that will change your thoughts quicker than anything else, it’s facing your fears.
2. Stand up For Yourself. A lot of people have difficulty in standing up for themselves. The first time you do it can be very empowering and your thoughts about yourself will change forever.
3. Stop Talking. It’s great to be silent for just a little while. Our thoughts turn inward and we begin to appreciate ourselves just a little more.
4. Strengthen Your Strengths. Sometimes we focus too much on trying to strengthen our weaknesses when we should be concentrating on strengthening our strengths.
5. Take A Walk Around an Art Gallery. You might not appreciate art or participate in it but it’s great to see the thoughts of others on canvas. It can give us a tiny glimpse of what goes on in other people’s minds.
6. Blindfold Yourself for a Day. Walk in the shoes of a blind person for 1 full day, it will forever change the way you think about life.
7. Stand on a Chair for 5 Minutes Per Day. Building self discipline is a great way to take control of your mind and your thoughts. If you just get up and stand on a sturdy chair your mind will be wondering what the hells going on and try and force you to get off the chair. Disciplining your mind is a great way to start changing your life.
8. Dance When There’s Nobody There. It’s a strange sensation to dance on your own, although when I have done this I look like a dog having a seizure, nonetheless it’s a great way to let go of your inhibitions.
9. Give Money to Someone Unexpectedly. Whether it be on the internet, or in the street, just give a larger than normal donation to someone. This again is liberating and your thoughts about money will change for a few moments (that’s all it takes to start the process of changing your life.)
10. Strengthen Your Thoughts About Yourself. Reinforce your thoughts about your good points. If you are good at talking to people, tell yourself this often. If you are good at maths, tell yourself often. This has the benefit of reinforcing and strengthening your self image.
11. Take A Risk Life. would be boring without ever having taken a risk in your life. Do something that you didn’t want to do because you thought you wouldn’t be any good at it. This totally smashes the boundaries of your comfort zone and your life could change forever.
12. Talk To A Stranger. Again this is breaking our comfort zones, but just saying hi to stranger in the street or good morning can have an enormous impact on your day and the person you said hi to.
13. Walk Around The House Naked. I can almost feel the shock at this. I don’t mean when you’ve got guests in, I mean when everybody is out. Lock the door and totally liberate yourself and your thinking of what’s right and what’s wrong. I wouldn’t advise doing it all the time, but from time to time, it’s a great feeling.
14. Read A Book By An Author You Most Avoid. Reading books by authors we avoid gives us a chance to take control of our minds and lets us see another side to our thinking. We’ve got to ask why we avoid them in the first place, is it something within us that we are avoiding?
15. Write An Article About Yourself. Imagine a newspaper has asked you to write an article of 1000 words or less about yourself and your life and they want to know what motivates you in life, now write the article. This helps put your life into some perspective and gets you thinking about your childhood and growing up.
16. Stop Contact With Your Down People. If you have people in your life who constantly drag you down, or are negative all the time, drop them. Honestly drop them from your life, you are not serving them and they are not serving you and they are dragging your thoughts down.
17. Believe In Yourself. A lot of people believe their life has been pre-destined and there’s nothing we can do to change it – absolute rubbish. YOU are the only person who controls the universe, yes I did mean universe. Your universe is different from mine so you control your own universe, think about that and start acting upon it.
18. Meditate Every Day. Another powerful thing that has the power to change your life and your thinking for good. Retreating into your mind for a few minutes every day will do you a power of good.
19. Ask For A Discount. When you buy anything from a shop that is over $100, ask for a discount. Tell the salesman you’d like a 10% discount on the item. Most people are so afraid of doing this but it’s a great way to empower yourself and let go of another inhibition, what’s the worst that can happen?
20. Risk Embarrassment. Imagine if you had seen the person of your dreams on a bus, or at the store and you didn’t do anything about it how much would you kick yourself. If this happens to you, do something about it, don’t keep it hidden. Just say to them you thought you would come over and say how attractive they looked and felt you had to tell them. You never know what will happen and how much your life could be changed. Obviously don’t turn into a weirdo and do it with every good looking person on the street.
21. Work Toward, What You Think, Is An Impossible Goal. If you work toward a goal without expectation you don’t care about the outcome as much. When you don’t care about the outcome, you don’t have as much expectation.
22. Practice Gratitude. We all know what we don’t have in our lives because we spend a lot of time wishing we had them, but are we really thankful for what we have? Spend time every single day being thankful for the good things we do have in our lives.
23. Do Something Nice And Don’t Tell Anyone About. It We tell others about our acts of kindness to let them know how nice we are and to seek approval. If you keep your act of kindness to yourself without ever telling anyone the feeling of positive energy lasts much longer.
24. Share Your Skills. Everybody has a skill of some kind. When you share it you not only have the power to help others, but you enhance your own skill by owning it.
25. Don’t Talk Just Listen. Enhance your listening skills by not talking when someone is speaking to you. Resist the urge to speak your views when someone is talking to you, just listen to them and ask them more open ended questions at the appropriate times. This has two benefits: a) You can really listen if you are not formulating the stories in your own head when someone is talking b) you will make the other person feel great as you are actively listening to them.
26. Write Your Future Life Story. Start from the age you are just now and start writing your future life story as you’d like it to be. Be as outrageous as you want and just write about your ideal life and how you interact with it. Words on paper are powerful and can help shape your goals.
27. Give Someone A Gift For No Reason. We always assume someone buys us a gift for a reason whether it be a birthday, christmas or special occasion. Buy someone a gift just because you know they would like it.
28. Pass On Your Good Books. If you’ve read a book and it changed your thinking or life in some way, pass it on to someone else who might benefit.
29. Spend More Time With Your Kids. Your kids will grow up very quickly, spend as much time as you can with them.
30. Forgive Behavior. The way we behave doesn’t necessarily reflect our true thoughts. Remember this when someone acts out of character and behaves in a way you don’t approve of.
31. Allow Yourself To Be A Lazy Git. We are so used to filling our time with useful things to do and being productive we have forgotten the art of laziness. Being lazy is good every ONCE IN A WHILE and it allows our mind to slow down and relax.
32. What Is Your Best Quality. Today Every morning for 10 seconds just state, out loud if you can, what your best quality is. Try and change it every day. This reinforces your strengths and weakens your perceived weaknesses.
33. Write A Comment. If you visit a blog you like, leave a comment and join in the community of people. Or, if there is not much of a community, be part of starting it.
34. Tell Your Friends And Colleagues How Good They Are. If a friend or colleague does something good, tell them how good they are at that particular task. This reinforces someone else strengths or strengthens their weaknesses and makes them feel good about themselves.
35. Make A Video Of Yourself And Post It To Youtube. Why on earth would you do this? Just because you can!
36. List All Your Worries. Make a list of every single worry you have at the moment. You will notice that you don’t have as many worries as you thought. Worrying consumes our thinking and we think our whole life is one big worry. When you get it down on paper it’s extremely surprising that you don’t have as many as you’d thought.
37. Work On Each Worry In Turn. Now that you have all your worries listed. Go through them and start acting on them in turn. If you find worries you cannot act upon it means there is nothing you can do to change the outcome of that worry, so forget it, why waste mind energy on something you cannot control at all?
38. Read About Successful People. If you want to change your thoughts and change your life read about people who have already done it and use them as guides.
39. Tweet Your Moods. If you use twitter why not tweet your moods daily and see if there is some kind of pattern after a few months.
40. Stop Watching Soaps. Soap operas actually have the power to alter your state of mind. People get so caught up in the emotions of the soap that they experience what the actors and actresses are doing.
41. Have A News Break. What would happen if you never read a newspaper for a week? nothing at all, your life wouldn’t change, you wouldn’t run out of things to talk about, you would still be as up on the world as everyone else. Newspapers sell because of their doom and gloom, read it and you are buying into it.
42. Do Something Spontaneous. Jump on a bus without looking at the destination, book a holiday, take time off work, take your partner away, buy your kids a gift; do anything and make sure it’s out of character, (expand that boundary).
43. Write To An Author. Authors are people just like you and I and they love getting feedback about their work. If a book touched you in some way or changed you, take time to write to the author and thank them. Don’t look for a reply, just thank them.
44. Follow your instincts. We don’t trust ourselves nearly enough as we should. Follow your instincts more and pay attention to the signals your body is picking up and see where it takes you. You might find that your conscious brain gets in the way of your body signals a lot of the time.
45. If You Find Some Money Give It To Charity. If you find money in the street don’t pocket it, give it to someone who is homeless or better yet buy them a meal with it. If it’s a suitcase full of money, that’s obviously a different story.
46. Your Thoughts Really Do Have Power. When you realize this, it will change your thinking in so many ways. I can’t tell you that it’s true you have to experience it for yourself.
47. Always Admit It When You Have Made A Mistake. Don’t blame others or hide behind someone else. Hold your hands up and admit you made a mistake, no matter what the consequences are. You will be much more respected this way. However, don’t take the blame for others.
48. Do Something Every Day To Improve Your Mind. Learn a new word, do an anagram puzzle, sudoku your mind, read a book, read a stimulating blog post, anything that will help your mind just a little. Just a little turns into something huge.
49. Change Your Thinking Style. If something is not working out, try and change your thinking style and come at it from another angle. This is true of everything in life.
50. What Do You Really Want To Do In Life. You will find most people cannot answer this question simply because they are plodding along with life. When you know what you really want to do with your life then your life takes another path.